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Learn Quran Online – From the Comfort of Your Home

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Our Learning Courses/Programs

Noorani Qaida is a foundational book used to learn how to read the Quran with proper pronunciation and Tajweed rules. It’s particularly useful for beginners, as it provides a step-by-step guide to learning the Arabic alphabet .

Learning Quranic reading is not just a linguistic pursuit; it’s a profound spiritual and intellectual journey. Learning to read the Quran is not only about deciphering Arabic letters but also about connecting with the divine message embedded in its verses.

The importance of learning Tajweed, the set of rules governing the proper pronunciation of Quranic Arabic, goes beyond mere linguistic precision. Tajweed is the key to preserving the sanctity and authenticity of the Quran’s recitation.

Learning the translation not only facilitates a broader audience to connect with the universal messages of the Quran but also promotes intercultural understanding and harmony. We came to know what Allah Almighty Says to Us and what He want from Us.

Memorizing the Quran holds profound significance, transcending the realms of religious practice into a holistic journey of spiritual and intellectual growth. Beyond the devotion to one’s faith, Quranic memorization, or Hifz, serves as a conduit for cultivating discipline & patience.

Delving into the realm of Quranic Tafseer, or exegesis, is an indispensable pursuit for those seeking a deeper comprehension of the divine revelations. Beyond the surface of the verses lie layers of profound meaning, historical context, and nuanced wisdom

Embracing the study of Hadith, the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is paramount for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of Islamic teachings. Hadith serves as a valuable companion to the Quran, providing practical insights.

Learning Namaz, the ritualistic prayers in Islam, is not just a religious duty but a profound and transformative practice. It serves as a direct line of communication between the believer and the Divine, providing moments of reflection.

Delving into Islamic history is akin to navigating a vast reservoir of lessons, shaping not just an understanding of the past, but also influencing the present and future. It serves as a compass, guiding believers through the trials and triumphs of a rich legacy.

Learning the English language extends far beyond linguistic proficiency; it opens doors to a world of opportunities, connectivity, and global understanding. English has evolved into a universal language of communication, bridging cultural gaps and facilitating interactions in various fields, from business to academia.

Learning the Urdu language holds a unique charm, offering a gateway to the rich cultural heritage and literary treasures of South Asia. Urdu, with its poetic elegance and historical significance, serves as a key to understanding the nuances of a diverse and vibrant tapestry of tradition of Pakistan and India.

Learning both Arabic and Urdu languages presents a unique opportunity to delve into the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Islamic world. Arabic, as the language of the Quran, holds immense spiritual significance for Muslims worldwide. Proficiency in Arabic allows a direct engagement with the sacred text.

Affordable Fee Structure

3 Classes Weekly

Expert Male & Female Tutors
$ 39
  • Total 12 Classes
  • One - One Class

4 Classes Weekly

Expert Male & Female Tutors
$ 49
  • Total 16 Classes
  • One - One Class

5 Classes Weekly

Expert Male & Female Tutors
$ 59
  • Total 20 Classes
  • One - One Class

Six Reason For Choosing Us

Quality Instruction

Our instructors are highly qualified and dedicated to ensuring that students receive the best Quranic education.

24/7 Services

A 24-hour service allows students from different parts of the world to access Quranic education at their convenience in various time zones and geographical locations.

One-on-One Sessions

For one-on-one Quranic lessons, having both male and female teachers ensures that students can choose the instructor with whom they are most at ease.

Male & Female Teachers

Having both male and female teachers in an online Quran academy is a valuable and inclusive approach that can cater to the diverse needs and preferences of students.


We understand the demands of modern life, and our flexible learning options accommodate according to your schedule.


Hosting a yearly award show to recognize and celebrate the achievements of the top students in your online Quran academy is an excellent way to motivate and inspire learners.

About Online Quran in World Academy

Welcome to Online Quran in World Academy, your trusted destination for comprehensive Quranic education. We offer a wide range of online Quran teaching services to cater to the needs of learners across the globe. For those seeking the convenience of online Quran learning, we provide a user-friendly online Quran learning app. Our app is designed to facilitate easy access to Quranic lessons, making it convenient for both adults and kids to engage in Quranic studies from the comfort of their homes. Our online Quran academy in Pakistan is committed to delivering high-quality Quranic education to students of all ages. Whether you are an adult looking to enhance your Quranic knowledge or a parent searching for online Quran lessons for your children, our academy is here to assist you.

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