English Language - Learn with Online Quran in World Academy

Firstly, English is the language of international business, diplomacy, and academia.

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Learning of English Language

The English language holds immense importance in today’s globalized world. It has evolved into a lingua franca, a common language of communication, transcending borders and facilitating connections between people of diverse linguistic backgrounds. English is not only the native language of millions but also a second language for countless more. Its significance can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, English is the language of international business, diplomacy, and academia. Proficiency in English is often a prerequisite for career advancement and participation in the global job market. It enables individuals to access a vast pool of resources, research, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Secondly, English serves as a bridge for cross-cultural communication and understanding. It enables people from different cultures and regions to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on a global scale. This linguistic versatility fosters cultural diversity, tolerance, and the ability to navigate a multicultural world.

Furthermore, English is the dominant language of the internet and digital communication. Much of the information available online, including educational resources, is in English. This accessibility empowers individuals to learn and acquire knowledge on a wide range of subjects, breaking down barriers to education and information. In education, English is often the medium of instruction for higher studies and research. Universities worldwide offer courses in English, attracting students from various countries. This international exposure enriches the educational experience and broadens horizons. Lastly, English-language literature, cinema, and media have a global reach and influence. They shape cultural trends, provide insights into different societies, and contribute to the enrichment of global cultural heritage.

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Reading Comprehension

Writing Skills

Listening Skills

Speaking Skills

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